While diligence is to be applauded, that’s not to say you can’t carry it to an extreme. If fact, some folks are so hung up on fees, they sometimes fail to see the bigger picture.
Tag "plan sponsor"
Clearly, you wouldn’t pay more for 2 apples if you could get 3 for the same price, but would you pay more to get 2 oranges instead?
Perhaps it’s time to cut the cord of “financial wellness” and take your tonic of financial reality. Accept the schoolmarm for the discipline she brings, because that remains the most honest way to the riches of a satisfying retirement.
Perhaps 401k plan sponsors should also focus plan participants’ attention on these 5 overlooked factors the can thwart their ability to attain the freedom of financial independence.
When is a “problem” not really a problem? And what can be better than success, even if no one knows about it.
You can squeeze a tube of toothpaste all you want, but that doesn’t change how much toothpaste it holds. Are we experiencing the same thing with 401k fees, or are they really dropping as much as we think? And, if they are dropping, are they dropping for the right reasons?
This isn’t to say younger employees should be left out of this type of education altogether. They shouldn’t. It’s important the message is drip, drip, dripped from the beginning of the onboarding sequence.
Familiarity may breed contempt, but it also makes you sloppy. Do you know plan sponsors that have forgotten they need to address these matters?
Before you scorn the use of badges, remember, the company match is the ultimate badge. If you meet a minimum savings goal, the company awards you a “badge” of a matching contribution.
The mistaken promise of participation may have an all-too-familiar ring to corporate retirement plan veterans.