With the large influx of employees working from home, telecommuting may be here to stay. Companies need to rethink how they’ve addressed 401k communications in the past. One never knows when the “new” normal will appear.
Tag "plan sponsor"
401k plan sponsors can’t afford to fall victim to the lure of heuristics. Index funds can generate just as much fiduciary headaches as actively managed funds.
He also reveals the greatest misconception regarding MEPs, what the SECURE Act really did, and when we might begin to see the mass media start paying attention.
There are many different types of plans, particularly when plan sponsors pick a 3(21) or 3(38) adviser. Which service provider arrangement a plan sponsor chooses impacts how the IPS will be constructed – and how the relevant parties contribute to that draft.
“As far as adopting employers, I would recommend an ERISA attorney because an MEP isn’t the right fit and fiduciary solution for every plan sponsor.”