Fiduciary News

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Tag "PSCA"

Why It Might Be Time To Mix Up The Line Up In The 401k Investment Menu

    Why It Might Be Time To Mix Up The Line Up In The 401k Investment Menu

Most 401k investment menus retain the “style box” mentality of the 1990s. Who doesn’t have a kitchen from the 1990s that they don’t want to remodel? Your 401k investment menu is no different.

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This is How 401k Plan Sponsors Get Education Answers to These Three F-Words

    This is How 401k Plan Sponsors Get Education Answers to These Three F-Words

401k plan sponsors have a renewed focus on the three F-words of offering employee retirement benefits: Fiduciary, Fees, and Financial Wellness. Here’s how plan sponsors answer questions related to each of these three F-words.

1 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 7/6/18 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 7/6/18

Be wary of these regulatory plugs, marketing buzz, and investment fads.

1 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 1/15/16 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 1/15/16

The State in Flux, “Fiduciary” as product, and 12b-1 redux.

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Exclusive Interview: PSCA Chair Stephen W. McCaffrey Sees Challenges in Legislative Attempts “to ‘Fix’ an Un-Broken System”

What currently much discussed 401k “need” was successfully fought by the PSCA in the 1950s?

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Exclusive Interview: Frontline Producer Explains Controversial 401k Documentary – The Final Take

As bad a some industry players are, it’s always caveat emptor. Both plan sponsors, in their role as fiduciaries, and 401k investors must assume personal responsible and be accountable for their own retirement.

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Great Info for Every 401k Plan Sponsor: Review of 401k Averages Book

Fee disclosures will become the trending topic among 401k plan sponsors and fiduciaries. It will be tempting to overweight this parameter. But if your plan has an index fund or you’ve ever contemplated using index funds, this book contains one piece of data you absolutely must have.

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Celebrate 401k Day! Exclusive Interview with PSCA’s Robert Benish

With all the bad investment news in the media, have plan sponsors neglected this positive development?

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