In some distant future, what fossilized evidence of poor judgment will come back to haunt unsuspecting 401k plan sponsors.
Tag "Robert Richter"
Dedicated and disciplined savings is the best way to insure a comfortable retirement, and, after all, isn’t that what it’s all about?
Perhaps we’ve learned choice isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.
Over the decades, the role and standard of different types of service providers has shifted when it comes to plan design. But one thing remains constant.
Traditional 401k plan designs have demonstrated they actually discourage savings.
What might surprise you the most is how easily the industry will adapt to the new fiduciary guidelines.
Company matching has long provided a turbo boost for employees saving in their 401k plans. With the advent of auto-enrollment, will such matching go the way of the once popular crossfire injection?
The DOL’s new 401k Fee Disclosure Rule, while its effectiveness might be suspect, has empowered plan sponsors.
A warning is not the same as protection.
Is the call for “harmonizing” the SEC and DOL versions of the fiduciary standard merely a ruse to thwart the entire effort?