All these strategies can be employed today and have proven themselves effective. It’s unclear that disclosing projected retirement income will provide the kind of incentive that will work.
Posts From Christopher Carosa, CTFA
Ping Pong regs, competing fiduciary views, and revenue sharing (again).
If a fiduciary must vote proxies, following the DOL’s guidance may represent the most practical alternative.
DOL Battens the Hatches, FiduciaryFightin’ Words, and, Oh, Bother…
It’s fun to talk about “risk” and “return” because these are measurables and people are comfortable with the tangible world. But none of that touches upon what really matters. Worse, it can distract you from achieving what you want most.
Over the target, does it matter, and back to the future.
Reports say the DOL expects 3,200 registered PPPs when PEPs become effective next January. Do you expect to be one of them, or will you be working for someone else?
A busy DOL, still with the 12b-1 fees, and the young and no longer stockless. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 9/18/20
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