Did the DOL miss the boat by not offering a definitive “apples-to-apples” comparison template?
Basic Members
Here’s a win-win idea for both 401k investors and their fiduciaries.
Pension funds sing the blues, day-trading 401k accounts and just why did advisers reject the NBA retirement plan?
While matching does provide a modest incentive, there are cheaper and more effective ways to get employees to save more in their 401k plans.
Corporate pension woes continue as the industry tries to regulate itself before the regulators do and everybody’s talking about fees.
The false promise of “safety” may lure unsuspecting 401k investors into the most dangerous trap they’ll never see – until it’s too late.
Any talk of mutual fund expense ratios only diverts attention away from the true issue at hand – what are the true costs of those non-mutual fund products that make up nearly half of all 401k investments?
Public pension plans’ long goodbye, the lost cause of the Fiduciary Standard, the mystery of the disappearing fee trick and mixed messages from mixed markets.
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 7/27/12
Public pensions – an idea whose time has passed, self-directed peril, guess what’s happened because of fee disclosure and crazy mixed up investors.