Plan sponsors ought naturally to know how the plan addresses the needs of their business, but do they really know how to tweak the plan to improve outcomes?
Tag "401k"

This isn’t a compliance audit, it’s an operating efficiency audit. That covers plenty of ground, from technology to benchmarking the value offered by the service provider.

For all the rose-colored eyes that have a created a legend flawless certitude concerning memories of a time that never existed, pension plans simply can’t measure up to 401k plans.

Herein lies the potential for a direct conflict of interest. This applies generally to all proxy voting in commingled portfolios.

Plan sponsors need to think about it in these terms: Does it make sense to have a pork-belly ETF on a 401k investment menu? How about orange futures?

The process of transferring assets is not without its own liabilities. The exact nature of the fiduciary risk depends on the nature of the transfer.

If you have any experience in the retirement plan business, some predictions just write themselves. As in “an incredible feeling of déjà vu.”
The Irony Of Taxing 401k Plans To Save Social Security
Worse, if the “alternatives” alluded to by the paper entail government backed programs like Social Security, this could have a debilitating impact on encouraging people to be responsible for funding their own retirement.