It really doesn’t appear the SEC is serious about the fiduciary standard. It seems more interested in using it as a pawn in a looming partisan fight. Where does this leave the proponents of the fiduciary standard? What other alternatives do they have?
Tag "court ruling"
As the world waits for the SEC to declare their decision on the fiduciary standard, the media spits out its last thoughts before the regulator makes its announcement.
The major media tries to say something on the industry and falls flat. Meanwhile, the industry journalists write about things that matter, but only insiders read.
An otherwise quiet news week produces a flurry of stories on one single under-reported issue: coincidence or not?
For a slow news week a surprising number of hard-hitting news articles.
Is this the week that signaled the beginning of the bond bubble bust? What ETFs need to be a game changer. Why can’t brokers survive serving smaller clients while advisers don’t have any problem? A new twist in the pension problem surfaces.
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In a week that featured the DOL’s new Target Date Fund disclosure proposal, angst over delayed reforms remains.
Some surprises of shoddy reporting in what might normally be considered a quiet week. And some good reporting, too.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/18/11
This week say more positioning on the fiduciary standard, the return of the annuity debate, continued heckling of 401k plans and some important regulatory news.Target d