Fiduciary News

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Tag "financial wellness"

Did ‘Financial Wellness’ Really Ever Have The Buzz In The First Place?

    Did ‘Financial Wellness’ Really Ever Have The Buzz In The First Place?

Perhaps it’s time to cut the cord of “financial wellness” and take your tonic of financial reality. Accept the schoolmarm for the discipline she brings, because that remains the most honest way to the riches of a satisfying retirement.

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Exclusive Interview: Jack Towarnicky on HSAs, Sidecars, and 401k “Liquidity Without Leakage”

    Exclusive Interview: Jack Towarnicky on HSAs, Sidecars, and 401k “Liquidity Without Leakage”

Long industry veteran tells it like it is. How will his comments change your thoughts on these important subjects?

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The 5 Biggest Worries of 401k Plan Sponsors and What To Do About Them

    The 5 Biggest Worries of 401k Plan Sponsors and What To Do About Them

When you’re not an expert in an important job that you need done, what do you do?

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This is How 401k Plan Sponsors Get Education Answers to These Three F-Words

    This is How 401k Plan Sponsors Get Education Answers to These Three F-Words

401k plan sponsors have a renewed focus on the three F-words of offering employee retirement benefits: Fiduciary, Fees, and Financial Wellness. Here’s how plan sponsors answer questions related to each of these three F-words.

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What Will Replace “Fiduciary”?

    What Will Replace “Fiduciary”?

Regulators (including the DOL) seem intent on splitting the baby in half by allowing two incompatible business models – one fiduciary with no self-dealing fees, the other non-fiduciary with conflict-of-interest fees – to coexist within the same market. Does this mean “fiduciary” has lost its inherent advantage?

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Will 401k Plan Sponsors Fall for These Over-Hyped Topics?

    Will 401k Plan Sponsors Fall for These Over-Hyped Topics?

A good fiduciary needs to see through the hype and base decisions solely on matters of import. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. For one thing, hype, like humor, works because it’s based on truth. This mantle of credibility is just enough to lead the fiduciary astray.

2 comments Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 8/11/17 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 8/11/17

Pensions falling, pushing back fiduciary goal posts, and investment Lorelei Signals.

0 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 12/2/16 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 12/2/16

Millennial-Centric Retirement Policy, Fiduciary by any other name, and Why the latest Fiduciary Rule fee move shouldn’t surprise you.

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How to Improve 401k Participant Fee Disclosure

    How to Improve 401k Participant Fee Disclosure

They say less is more, and nowhere is that more true than in 401k participant fee disclosure.

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