Exempting government officials from the same fiduciary standards imposed on private providers places retirement savers at undo risk.
Tag "Ilene Davis"
The world of finance is unforgiving. You can’t sweet talk your way out of a bad decision and, quite often, a blunt demeanor can get a job done more effectively and efficiently than the soft ambiguity of diplomatic language.
It’s never too late to get ready for retirement, even if you think it’s too late.
It is critically important that retirement savers make a long-term game plan for their savings and investing strategy.
Each of these is dripping with overtones from the lessons of behavioral finance.
Absent any objective definition of ‘excessive’ and ‘reasonable,’ does the Conflict-of-Interest Rule have any real meaning, or is it merely another potentially lucrative cash-flow stream for class action attorneys courtesy of your friendly neighborhood government regulator?
Would the DOL allow a private plan sponsor to use retirement funds for his own personal benefit?
Once the mainstay of corporate benefits, it has calcified into a boulder-like burden dangling from a noose around the neck of its company sponsor.
Retirement Saving: How Responsible is the 401k Fiduciary?
Welcome to the new three-legged stool: Employee, Employer, Government