401k Plan Sponsors often see due diligence as a burden. It needn’t be.
Tag "investment policy statement"
What worked in the past might mislead today. Worse, it might not include everything it needs to include. Find out what’s still useful, what isn’t and what needs to be added.
Here’s a quick overview of the most important facts surrounding key regulatory laws and rules, with some practical legal advice thrown in.
You can count the most important areas 401k plan sponsors must address on one hand. Here they are.
This week we learn to ask the question: “If the regulators don’t care, why should the investors?” Which is like saying “If the police don’t care, why should the victims?” On a brighter note, John Bogle isn’t happy he’s been proven wrong.
How many different ways can you mention “passive investing” in an article relating to 401k plans? It seems like reporters had a theme last week – and it showed up in the strangest of places.
For those who believe an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for an ERISA retirement plan helps reduce fiduciary liability, here’s a nine step process for creating a strong IPS.
This week features more bad news from Washington for fiduciary fans, the surprising return of the investment debate, the overly simplistic matter of fees and continued dour forebodings regarding pension plans.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 9/9/11
Will the fiduciary standard go down with Obama? Will they finally pay attention to the 401k Fee ticking time bomb? And, when will they ever learn?