Eliminating the match and investing a large portion of retirement savings in bonds creates a risk. It may cause the retirement savings to go down in flames.
Tag "Mark Nicholas"

The DOL seems to use the same metric that it earlier employed in its statement on the Fiduciary Rule. Still, the Advisory Opinion is very precise in what it allows. Citi will have to tread carefully to not cross the line into the realm of fiduciary.

The twist is this: The bad news is only a fraction of the people will be able to save $4.3 million for retirement because the average salary is too low. The good news is most people won’t need to save $4.3 million because, thanks to living on a low average salary, they are accustomed to spending far less.

Before you get all excited and look to replace your home equity loan with a 401k loan, you should consider these things.

There might be a there, there. It could be that TDFs have an Achilles’ Heel that leaves them vulnerable.