It’s not rocket science, but it’s not easy – either saving in the first place and then investing for the long-term, which means 20-year olds better be as comfortable riding the market as much as they are riding an amusement park roller coaster.
Tag "Robert Johnson"
It is critically important that retirement savers make a long-term game plan for their savings and investing strategy.
Each of these is dripping with overtones from the lessons of behavioral finance.
Why have these people failed to learn from history and what can be done to prevent them from hurting themselves?
The future of true asset allocation may lie in understanding its past.
The results are in. Asset allocation doesn’t work in the long run. Rebalancing doesn’t produce better returns in the long run. In short, asset allocation as popularly practiced is myth.
Much of asset allocation marketing collateral is founded on a simple misinterpretation, yet this myth persists. Why?