So what if a few very high net savers end up with bigger retirement plans? Good for them. The point is to make it easier for more people to save more.
Tag "Safe Harbor"

Not only do you need to watch the place that holds all the money, you need to watch the pipeline that feeds the money there.

If a company sees a substantial number of employees exit their firm, this can have a detrimental impact on all areas. Even the company’s 401k can be negatively affected in a number of ways.

In theory, 401k plans were always intended to be highly portable, but that’s not what happened. “Portability” only evolved to the extent that the most-attractive balances were picked off and rolled over to IRAs, and everyone else was left holding the bag.

401k plan sponsors have a renewed focus on the three F-words of offering employee retirement benefits: Fiduciary, Fees, and Financial Wellness. Here’s how plan sponsors answer questions related to each of these three F-words.

Compliance test, plan sponsor fiduciary awareness, and the similarity between Paul McCartney’s grandfather and the future of mutual funds.

State pension implosion, a regulation without teeth, and the fee-value correlation. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 9/7/18
MEPs, Fees, and Leveling the ETF playing field.