As the world waits for the SEC to declare their decision on the fiduciary standard, the media spits out its last thoughts before the regulator makes its announcement.
Tag "target date fund"
An otherwise quiet news week produces a flurry of stories on one single under-reported issue: coincidence or not?
If you’ve been floating in space for the past twelve months, have no fear as these articles are the ones you most want to read to catch up on the happenings of 2010.
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Isn’t it ironic that the very people who 401k plans were created to benefit have decided it’s easier to ignore the maze than to constructively participate. Allowing the 401k to evolve up to today’s technology will solve many problems.
In a week that featured the DOL’s new Target Date Fund disclosure proposal, angst over delayed reforms remains.
It’s not like folks hid their Target Date Fund gripes. The question is: Was the DOL on target with its new disclosure rules?
If you’ve come to Fiduciary News for the water, then this week’s trending topics is just for you. It starts with a whole list of bad investment ideas, includes the continuing dilemma of pensions and a fiduciary fight and ends with a future issue.
Find out what big PR push a certain sector of the financial industry started this week. Here’s a hint: You can thank Washington.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 1/28/11
One the dust settled, the rejoicing stopped and outright concern rose. Perhaps the Republicans on the SEC Commission were right, albeit for the wrong reasons.