Faux Regulation, Fiduciary Liability Redux, and Interest Rate Follies.
Tag "Fiduciary Rule"
“…if you are operating under the fiduciary standard… the future of regulation may dramatically change the very business model you have come to love; and the reasons you love it are the very same reasons it is under attack.”
Ron also says to “sunset” BICE, eliminate all conflicts-of-interest, and don’t trust FINRA.
While everyone’s talking about the potential impact the DOL’s proposed new Fiduciary Rule will have on IRAs and the brokerage industry, the greater impact may be on recordkeepers within the 401k industry.
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 12/25/15
Regulator showdown? Fiduciary liability redux? and Failing 401k Fee 101?