In choosing ratings points over debate points, Smith sacrificed the logic of the straight-forward for the pyrotechnics of a religious argument, and, in doing so, lost credibility with that portion of his audience that knew better.
Tag "index fund"
Washington talks of scrambling nest eggs, DOL smacks poor fiduciaries and silly season for investments.
Will coming pension crisis rival S&L crisis? Will market decide fiduciary standard? Why you can’t rely on mass media for 401k fee info and more…
A government 401k policy that actually worked, one that won’t work, another that will work and several 401k ideas that will never work.
The DOL plans to turn up the heat, states look for alternatives to pensions, politicians spout lobbyist talking points, and is the end near for revenue sharing?
The Fiduciary Battle reignites while the Fee Wars heat up, investors search for fixed income and states look to dump pensions and go the 401k route.
The downsizing of the Fiduciary Standard, an Orwellian porcine view of fees and yet another search for the Holy Investment Option Grail.
Read the fallout from the mass market media op-eds that take opposite sides in the fiduciary standard debate while both taking flack from just one side – those in favor of the fiduciary standard.
Just as a major brokerage firm begins to yield on its opposition to the fiduciary standard, the co-author of the bill compelling the SEC to look into it tells the regulator to lay off brokers. And that’s only the beginning. We’ve also see cracks in the cult of ETF (or is it indexing?).
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/12/13
Do you really own your retirement money? Prohibit non-fiduciaries from using term “advisor”? More target date fund troubles?