As bad a some industry players are, it’s always caveat emptor. Both plan sponsors, in their role as fiduciaries, and 401k investors must assume personal responsible and be accountable for their own retirement.
Tag "retirement"
In choosing ratings points over debate points, Smith sacrificed the logic of the straight-forward for the pyrotechnics of a religious argument, and, in doing so, lost credibility with that portion of his audience that knew better.
Industry slams Obama Retirement Tax Plan, the coming Fiduciary Showdown and back to the old normal regarding investments.
Do you really own your retirement money? Prohibit non-fiduciaries from using term “advisor”? More target date fund troubles?
It’s a sad world where “safety first” has the opposite effect.
Stockton Pension Bankruptcy a Harbinger? DOL’s Fiduciary Rule Racist? Fees Reality About to Hit 401k Plan Sponsors?
Washington talks of scrambling nest eggs, DOL smacks poor fiduciaries and silly season for investments.
You don’t have to part the Red Sea or ascend Mount Sinai to find these goodies!
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/26/13
PBS’ Frontline Retirement Gamble fallout, falling fees, and soon to be falling bonds prices.