Without conflict-of-interest fees like 12b-1 fees and revenue sharing, the world becomes a lot simpler for 401k plan sponsors and a lot safer for plan participants.
Tag "revenue sharing"

Don’t be surprised if this collective wisdom confirms certain instincts you have always possessed, drives a stake in the heart of a myth you’ve long embraced, and opens your mind to an idea you’ve never thought to consider.

Is the DOL about to give brokers everything they want?
Government paranoia, fee confusion and the real fiduciary questions.
“Price (fees) are a component of value. There are many other components that make up value and the relative weight will vary from plan to plan.”
FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 6/17/16
Compliance tug of war, John Oliver speaks, and a truce in the passive-active war.