Once a person enters retirement, the number of scenarios proliferate. Unless the plan sponsor is a financial professional, it’s going to be a challenge to quickly comprehend all these options.
Tag "saving"
This isn’t to say younger employees should be left out of this type of education altogether. They shouldn’t. It’s important the message is drip, drip, dripped from the beginning of the onboarding sequence.
Before you scorn the use of badges, remember, the company match is the ultimate badge. If you meet a minimum savings goal, the company awards you a “badge” of a matching contribution.
The mistaken promise of participation may have an all-too-familiar ring to corporate retirement plan veterans.
If you are responsible for 401k participant education or in any form of employee-based financial literacy program, you may want to adopt methods used by others who teach adults.
When you’re not an expert in an important job that you need done, what do you do?
With the final dust comfortably settling on this year’s tax season, we can know begin to put together the pieces of this new reality that may have plan sponsors and their service providers rethinking their long-held strategies.