There is an out, of course, but that might eliminate the so-called “institutional pricing” advantage former employees have for staying in the plan in the first place.
Tag "TPA"

Nobody’s perfect. It’s unfair to expect recordkeepers to be. Everyone makes mistakes—even recordkeepers. The problem is what happens when a mistake occurs.

But this rookie mistake doesn’t bypass veteran plan sponsors. If they’ve grown too complacent with their plan, they may wake up one day to find out they’ve got a dinosaur on their hands.

Nonetheless, there is a way to short-circuit this time-frame. You can do it, but you’ve got to really want to do it.

SEC punts fiduciary, fees aren’t everything, and old time investing.

Ary Rosenbaum’s latest book tells the story of the modern retirement era through the lens of classic movie sequels, but it’s his own unique experiences that tell the real story. Here’s a taste. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 12/07/18
Tale of Two Public Policy Cities, Plato’s Fiduciary Cave, and Frankenstein’s Index Fund