States muscle in on Fiduciary Rule, SEC (finally) goes after 12b-1 fees, and lessons from the correction.
Tag "TPA"

Cap Cutting, Back Burners, and Eternal Truths

Fiduciary irony, fee disbelief, and investment deja vu.

It’s understandable, given the many hats plan sponsors wear, that mistakes will be made. The challenge is to not dwell on them, but to have a reasoned and determined process to address and correct them.

Retirement Policy Ideas, Grasping for Fiduciary Straws, and Redefining Fees.

Ultimately, it will be the tort bar that offers the enforcement and the subsequent consequence for poor decision making on the part of plan sponsors and service providers. Rest assured all sides will be discover the regulatory fence in their once open fields.

Taking responsibility, Greek fiduciary tragedy, and questioning investing. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/23/18
Two fiduciary wrongs, a new kind of fee conflict, and crypto-mania’s comeuppance.